「先端歯学国際教育研究ネットワーク」は全国の大学歯学部等が連携してスーパースチューデントを育成する取組です。 "International Network of Advanced Dental Education & Research" is a Japan's organization that efforts to raise super-students in the collaboration among Japan's university dental schools throughout the country. その取組のひとつとして、各大学から選抜された大学院生への教育と研究指導を目的とした「先端歯学スクール」(その前身のものを含む)が平成17年度から(原則として)毎年開催されています。 As one of its mission, "Advanced Dental School" (including its predecessors), is held every year since 2005, which aims for education and research guidance to the graduate students who are selected from each university. 「先端歯学スクール」では、日本における歯科医学研究をリードしている研究者による教育講演と、参加大学院生による口演発表が行われます。発表はその研究・プレゼンテーション内容に基づいて採点され、成績優秀者には国際学会での発表のための Travel Award が授与されます。 At "Advanced Dental School", educational lectures by researchers who is leading the dental medical research in Japan and oral presentations by participating graduate students will be held. The presentation will be scored based on the content of the research and presentation, and the excellent student presentation will be awarded by the "Travel Award" for presentating to the international conference.
The Society was founded at first as a research cooperative meeting in 1967, and developed to the JSBMR in 1982. The first annual meeting was held by Professor Norimasa Hosoya, Tokyo University, in 1983. The Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research (JSBMR) is a professional medical/scientific society established to promote the study of problems pertaining to bones and other musculoskeletal tissues and mineral metabolism through annual scientific meetings and official Journal (Journal of Bone Mineral Metabolism).